What is a Power Dialler Software?

Power dialler software is a telephony system that automatically dials prospects and when a person answers the call, bridges that call to an agent. The purpose of a power dialler is to have your agents only speak to live people and not waste time with no answers, answering machines and busy lines.

Power Dialer software can dramatically increase the time that the agent talks on the phone actually making sales as opposed to manually dialling numbers, waiting for answer and leaving voicemail messages. Therefore any company that has large numbers of calls to make to their customers or prospects would likely benefit from using PowerCall AI.

How does a Power Dialler Work?

Power dialler software allows you to set an agent to call ratio to set the rate of calls to be made. As each agent finishes their a call, the power dialler dials a preset number of prospects in the list in expectation that at least one of those calls will result in a live answer. When a live person answers, the agent is immediately connected.
Ideally, the agent should be equipped with an auto-answering phone with a headset, so when the call comes through, the agent is talking immediately to the prospect.

The number of calls per free agent can be adjusted during the campaign for best results. The more agents that are not on calls, the more prospects will be dialled simultaneously in order to keep agents working at full capacity.

PowerCall AI power dialler software also has a virtual contact centre, so that agents can be connected directly via The Internet to PowerCall AI, with different ring strategies.

Voicemail Detection / Answering Machine Detection

The power dialler software allows you to set an agent to call ratio to set the rate of calls to be made. As each agent finishes their call, the power dialler dials a preset number of prospects in the list in expectation that at least one of those calls will result in a live answer. When a live person answers, the agent is immediately connected.
Ideally, the agent should be equipped with an auto-answering phone with a headset, so when the call comes through, the agent is talking immediately to the prospect.

Power Dialler Integration

The number of calls per free agent can be adjusted during the campaign for best results. The more agents that are not on calls, the more prospects will be dialled simultaneously in order to keep agents working at full capacity.

PowerCall AI’s power dialler software also has a virtual contact centre, so that agents can be connected directly via The Internet to PowerCall AI, with different ring strategies.

Benefits of a Power dialler software

Power dialler software will make your sales staff much more efficient, improving campaign results by automatically dialling prospects while skipping busy, no-answer and disconnected lines. Power Dialler software can increase time on the phone from 15 minutes to 45 minutes or more in the hour, this is equivalent to increasing your workforce by a factor of three without the attendant cost and administration

Leaving answering machine messages is also a highly effective marketing method, so not only is there a benefit in terms of agent efficiency, but also in marketing reach using PowerCall AI’s efficient beep detection to leave messages right after the tone.

Contact us for a live demo or trial to see how PowerCall AI’s can work for you.

You can also read here about Predictive Dialler Software

An example of the panel used to edit campaign details
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